iPhone Defines me
As the topic states, the iphone defines me. Everything in my life, can be reflected through my iPhone, i sleep with it, i work with it, i play with it, i do however, not have sex with it. That would just be wrong. However, the iPhone is a big part of my life and why is that? How Does the iPhone actually make my life easier? It's simple, through out the past year i've been working on a project called Webexpress where i stand by three very simple rules.
Rule #1 Simplicity
Rule #2 Innovation
Rule #3 Design
These three rules does not only apply to web development but to everything in my life, i need my work to be innovative and i need everything in my life to be as simple as possible and for this, a great user interface is needed, and thats not only in the telephone.
For me, the iPhone brings me more than the office to my pocket, it brings me simplicity, innovation and design, it helps me organize my time, structure my work and have a relaxing media feature.
If i were to loose this amazing peice of plastic, electronic components and whatever weird stuff they put in it, i would just buy a new one, i'd pay twice as much as i did for this one, just to experience this feeling, the feeling i feel when i reach for the phone in my pocket, the Joy of making a call, with my iPhone.